

Question by  sonicblast (16)

What could be wrong with my Pomeranian if its hair won't grow?


Answer by  ashley31 (263)

Your dog could have a skin condition such as mange, flea allergy dermititis, or a nutritional deficientcy or allergy to it's food.


Answer by  MsLizziebug (833)

It could be one of several things. It may be having a bad reaction to flea bites or flea treatment, it could have a thyroid problem or mange.. the best thing to do would be to take it to the vet.


Answer by  Bright69 (29)

There are several reasons why hair doesn't grow including alopecia and thyroid problems. It is best to go to the veteran's office and ask the doctor to diagnose the problem. The doctor might check for allergies, fungus or other underlying causes. Sometimes the hair might just take longer to grow than you expect.


Answer by  Edward (115)

Poms do not require high protein diets. If the hair isn't growing long and flowing, find a different diet with lower protein, more veggies and less fat.

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