health conditions


Question by  daguilar (17)

What could be the cause of recurring blisters on fingers?


Answer by  wendyj (359)

Most blisters on the fingers are caused by repeated pressure or stress on the skin. Avoiding this overuse will help the blisters decrease.


Answer by  docilecracked (61)

The chemicals that a person uses may cause recurring blisters on fingers through a prolong period of time. One example is using unsuitable washing detergent over a prolong period. A person may not know that the detergent is unsuitable for him at first. He may only feel itchy. But after a prolong use, blisters will keep appearing on his fingers.


Answer by  thom0045 (350)

If a person has chronic dry skin, or if their skin happens to come into contact with something that they are allergic to, they might develop recurring blisters on the affected area(such as on the fingers).

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