health conditions


Question by  Fuadaj (38)

What could be the cause of blotches on the tongue?


Answer by  Amanda65 (1220)

Blotches on the tongue can be caused by many things including poor diet, damage to the tongue, viruses, or bacteria.


Answer by  bubbyboy (9929)

A blotchy tongue can be a sign of an infected tongue or a fungus. Sometimes there is swelling or burning pain with the blotches. Your doctor should be consulted to prescribe medication. Sometimes the condition is called geographic tongue because the blotches actually raise and look just like a map.


Answer by  Lornah (282)

Blotches are caused by a fungal infection in the mouth or tongue. It could be from some contaminated food you ate or kissing an affected organ.


Answer by  Moma123 (1043)

Blotches on the tongue can be caused by glossitis or infection or inflammation of tongue. It causes tongue to swell and change color. Another cause can be geographic tongue that happens due to loss of tongue papillae, making irregular flat red patches on tongue. Other causes are allergies.

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