

Question by  Anonymous

What could be the cause of a small wart like rash under my little girl's arm?


Answer by  NurseB (513)

How old is she? Most likely it is a fungal infection. Also if she is beginning puberty ingrown hairs can be found to the underarm. Try antifungal cream.


Answer by  Theaterbelle (19)

That would depend on the location of the bump, the size and several other things. But here are a few possible causes, in order of severity: Insect Bite, Allergic Contact Dermatitis, Atopic Dermatitis, a fungal infection, a staph infection or lymphoma.


Answer by  sathu (157)

When there is a small wart like rash under my little girl's arm,it will make irritation and burning to her which will make her to cry.i must take her to the hospital immediately before she scratch it.


Answer by  gummie (738)

Children are prone to the development of many different rashes. I would say that your little girl probably has a 'prickly heat' rash. She is probably an energetic child and the combination of activity and heat is causing this rash. It's nothing to worry about unless painful or persistant.

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