health conditions


Question by  sarvan (20)

What could be going on if jy daughter has white pockets in side her throat and is saying it is sore?


Answer by  shawkins (21)

Your daughter may have strep throat. This is caused by a bacteria, streptococcus. The white pockets are pus pockets and the soreness is due to the inflammation of the tonsils and lymphnodes. This infection will cause tenderness of these glands. Other symptoms include difficulty swallowing and fever. A simple test done by the doctor can determine what it is.


Answer by  NYCCDC (311)

The white pockets are likely a sign of an infection that is rather strong. She could also be showing signs of mono. Whenever you have a sore throat and white pockets in this manner have it evaluated by your doctor ASAP. She will likely have to be medicated to help kill off the infection.


Answer by  gregoli (106)

It is possible that she has some type of bacterial infection. She would need to go to the doctor's office and have a throat swab taken so they can test it. She may also have tonsil stones, which are pus in the tonsils that hardens and are uncomfortable.


Answer by  Crystalb (163)

She could have strep throat, or some other kind of infection. The spots are pustules, and will not go away unless treated with antibiotics.


Answer by  symphonyparis (493)

Strep throat could be the cause. If the tonsils are still present they tend to help germs hide. Take her to the doctor to get tested.


Answer by  timeismoney (994)

These symptoms move a sore throat beyond the post nasal drip that is often a prelude to a cold and toward strep throat. See a doctor for antibiotics.


Answer by  PooBear (341)

This sounds like an infection. There are several things that could cause this. See a doctor for the right medicines.

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