health conditions


Question by  grillmoma11 (9)

What constitutes normal urination?

I go about 7 times per night.


Answer by  bubbyboy (9929)

This is probably way to much. It sounds like an overactive bladder. The normal person goes maybe twice a night. Your doctor should check this out.


Answer by  Twirler847 (13)

There is a range of "normal" frequency of urination. Six to seven times in one whole day is average. See your doctor. It's possible you have a urinary tract infection or enlarged prostate. Also, hydrate earlier in the day and stop any fluid intake about two hours before bedtime.


Answer by  nodame (24)

It comprises all the wastes that our kidney filters from our blood. So if you have some health problems it can be detected by having a urinalysis. If you urinate that frequently, it is not normal.


Answer by  blrVoice (1054)

7 times per night is not normal and can be considered as unhealthy as it affects for sleep enormously. Going to the loo once before you go to bed should be enough til next day morning for an adult without any disease and sleeping problems. Don't drink more than 1 glass before going to sleep. Consult a doctor immediately!

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