health procedures


Question by  Anonymous

What complications are there for obese people having surgery?


Answer by  Bones (105)

Obese surgical patients have a higher incidence of infections, heart problems, increased blood loss, kidney failure, embolism (blood clots), and stroke. In addition, the surgery, itself, is more complicated because of the added adipose or fat tissue, which can lengthen the time under anesthetic.


Answer by  Anonymous

Recovery is more difficult because obese people are more likely to catch pneumonia.


Answer by  John (9008)

The extra tissue causes an increased likelihood of infection or other complications; in any surgery, the more you have to cut, the higher the risk. Also, many obese people also have heart or breathing problems, which creates added dangers when using anesthesia.


Answer by  dr84bhl (2789)

Obese people having surgery puts a lot of strain on the heart. The person may have to lose some weight in some cases because it is to dangerous and the person could die on the operating table.


Answer by  Rose (6804)

People whom are overweight have additional concerns when going into surgery, including a higher risk of heart problems, the medication being used to put them to sleep not taking effect as fast and increased heart rate and blood pressure.

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