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weight lifting


Question by  worker6573 (11)

What causes thumb pain when you're weight training?


Answer by  largetuna (118)

Thumb pain while weight training can be caused by a variety of measures. If you are improperly handling dumbbells or are using too much weight, there may be added stress on your fingers. You need to make sure you have a proper grip when using any weights and understand the motions of the exercise.


Answer by  Hiiro (117)

If it is a burning sensation in the muscles of the thumb, it is most likely lactic acid being released by the muscles. Otherwise, it is most likely because you are improperly holding the weights, and causing too much strain to your finger.


Answer by  sapphire (111)

Overuse of your hands. Wear gloves, they will help protect your fingers and hands. They will also stop chaffing so you wont get calluses

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