

Question by  SavaFiend76 (72)

What causes sugar in your urine?


Answer by  jsmith (2067)

Sugar in your urine is a side-effect of having elevated sugar in your blood - or hyperglycemia. It is one of the most common signs of uncontrolled type II diabetes and is rarely seen in non-diabetic people.


Answer by  liblue (683)

High blood sugars can result in sugar showing up in blood test. This can be from type 1 or type 2 diabetes. Insulin and/or dietary changes can help.


Answer by  giselleflores (112)

First off you have to ask your doctor, talk to him or her. But common reasons for there being sugar present in your urine can be the ever so infamous diabetes, also Cushing's can be possible but it could also just be genetics. If it is in a girl it can also be caused by a pregnancy.


Answer by  JeffD (238)

Sugar in one's urine means that your kidneys are not appropriately acting to remove impurities from your system. Your doctor can use a simple test to determine if this is severe enough to be a cause for concern.

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