health conditions


Question by  medicaidguru (31)

What causes split nails?


Answer by  newgeneration (699)

Split nails can be caused by frequent wetting and drying of the nails, like when doing dishes. Nail polish remover and trauma can also cause nails to split more than normal. Internal disease and vitamin deficiency usually do not cause split nails.


Answer by  fancbiz (952)

Bacterial infection can easily cause the nails to be weak and easily break even from little pressure. Lack of calcium which strengthens bones and nails can also be to blame for the same problem. To ascertain the real cause needs a professional who can identify where a particular problem is coming from.


Answer by  Elmore (124)

The main things that causes split nails is washing your hair repetively during the day and some medications that are taken for high blood pressure and diabetes. I find that even very mild dishwashing detergents can also cause my nails to split if I do not use oil on them immediately afterwards.


Answer by  Jackie50 (360)

Prolonged exposure to water will cause split nails, such as swimming or washing dishes. Also, nail polish remover can split nails.

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