

Question by  sumaya (31)

What causes red sores on your hands and arms?


Answer by  cutelittlepuppies (19)

When you are allergic to something your skin my react in a way so that you develop a rash/hives. A more common diagnoses is acne. Acne forms on your hands and arms from bacteria and oil glands.


Answer by  rlrag (19)

Psoriasis may cause red patches on skin. This occurs because skin cells turn over much faster than the usual 4 weeks and build up to form the red patches. Psoriasis occurs commonly on elbows, hands, knees, scalp and back.


Answer by  boopfto (48)

Exema which is a skin condition can cause red sores. Also psorisus, which is a similar ailment can cause painful itchy sores on the body.


Answer by  jelledge (11)

There are a number of things that cause red sores to appear on my hands and arms. The most common reason is an allergic reaction to something in the environment. However, it can also happen if I have been out in extreme heat.

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