health conditions


Question by  lazlong (51)

What causes knots on the top of your foot?


Answer by  FishGal88 (351)

Knots on the top of feet are usually caused by some sort of blunt force trauma and will resolve themselves in time. Shoes like high heels that hold feet at awkward angles can also cause knots.


Answer by  MedStudent01 (1131)

Knots on the top of your foot can range from the benign to serious conditions. Most are benign and are caused by lipomas, calcifications of muscles or tendons, bone spurs, or areas of collagen growth. More rarely can these be associated with cancer. Worrisome knots require a physician's workup.


Answer by  texgma (17)

These knots or raised areas can be bone or fat deposits caused from shoes or infection. Another reason can be from having laces or shoes that are too tight resting on your feet.


Answer by  juanita57 (1374)

Knots on the top of your foot could be bunions, certain kinds of arthritis makes knots, or just where you have worn bad shoes. I guess some of your foot bones could get knots or even could get a cracked bone in your foot playing a game and maybe not knowing it, and heels on it's own, and get knots.


Answer by  cody (1331)

this is what causes knots on your foot, when your shoe or whatever you wear keeps rubbing against your foot it cases knots


Answer by  wendyj (359)

Muscle cramps and tension can cause knots in your body, including your foot. Some gentle massage can help with muscle knots.

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