

Question by  Janarthanam (53)

What causes clear vomit in dogs?


Answer by  MiltonBradley (14)

More than one thing can cause clear vomit in dogs. One would be starvation where there is nothing in the stomach except for bile perhaps. Another would be a sick dog who had ingested only water.


Answer by  whoareyou (3483)

Clear vomit in dogs can be caused by a number of things, but you should check with your Vet ASAP. One serious cause could be Parvo, vomiting a clear/foamy liquid is the first symptom. It could be as simple as a flu, or very serious. See your vet ASAP.


Answer by  John (9008)

This generally means that the dog is vomiting water. The content of vomit for both dogs and people primarily reflects the contents of the stomach. Sometimes, dogs drink too much water (or drink it too quickly) and vomit it up.


Answer by  melz10 (61)

There are several types of dogs that can be prone to having their esophagus malfunction or not work (like Pit Bulls). It becomes almost impossible to eat and vomit is usually clear and sometimes foam like.

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