

Question by  BobMed (16)

What can you wear with pale yellow shoes?


Answer by  em (201)

Any dark blue, blue jeans will look great. Black pants or black jean will also look stunning. Try to accessorize with braceletes and hair bands or clip that match the colour of your shoes. If you pick a pant colour like beige tan, or anything in the same colour range it will look tacky.


Answer by  abccraft (85)

There are many colors that go with pale yellow. All of the solid browns, tans, and most of the oranges and peach look good, also any print with these colors.


Answer by  Fritz (608)

You can wear white or black or you can wear a medium or dark color yellow with pale yellow shoes.


Answer by  Maria75 (13)

How about a pale yellow shirt? You could go with an all light outfit with white pants/shorts, or just wear jeans.

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