

Question by  soundarskpincom (30)

What can you tell me about chihuahua whelping problems?


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

Chihuahua's are small as we all know. So their pelvic area is really small too. Watch your dog as she whelps. Make sure that the puppies come out without any issue. If she's having a hard time call the Vet and tell them you're on your way. If they don't get the puppies out the Mom and puppies could die.


Answer by  katharine (3981)

Chihuahuas often have trouble giving birth because they are so small. Make you have a vet on call when a chihuahua is going to deliver.


Answer by  mammakat (11147)

Your chi should not have problems any more than other breeds, but this breed has problems in that people persist in breeding them to get "designer" pups, breeding them to much larger dogs. This will lead to whelping problems, of course. Also, because your dog is so small, problems may naturally occur. You should consult your vet about breeding.

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