

Question by  bart (23)

What can you tell me about a Vito Saxophone?


Answer by  worker1744 (141)

Vito has been a major producer of saxophones for over 50 years. They continue to make several models ranging from lower priced student models near the 400 dollar price to models that cost well over 2,000 dollars. Known for their excellent robust tone, they are a fine investment.


Answer by  technogeek (6640)

Vito is a good manufacturer of woodwind instruments. THey are good quality and the price is reasonable enough for the parent of a student player to be able to afford.


Answer by  chitraanilkumar (340)

The Vito name was named after Vito Pascucci who helped establish Leblanc's Kenosha Wisconsin complex after the World War II. The Vito brand name was mostly used for Leblanc's student or intermediate models. Most Vito instruments are "stencilled" i. e. were manufactured for Vito by other companies. Entire instruments or component parts have been made for Vito by VARIOUS COMPANIES

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