

Question by  lgh (11)

What can I do to stop my cracked heels from bleeding?


Answer by  Lynlin1957 (87)

Clean feet and apply an antibiotic ointment or cream twice a day to begin the healing processs. Keep feet clean and moisturized daily to help prevent further problems.


Answer by  swimsis (152)

Heal them first. Slather on triple antibiotic, put on clean socks and sleep in them. Once healed, do the same with petroleum jelly. Soft feet in just days!


Answer by  debmalewski (1085)

Dry feet can be a problem. One thing to try is to apply petroleum jelly (Vaseline) on your heels at night, and then wear a pair of socks.


Answer by  Crystal35 (45)

The reason your heels are cracking is they're really dry. What you need to do is keep lotion on them during the dry season. This will stop the cracking.


Answer by  Cali2307 (1337)

Take good care of them! If they are already bleeding, massage some thick lotion into them and wear heavy socks to retain the moisture two times a day.

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