


Question by  TheTide (72)

What can I do to prevent and stop squash blossom rot?


Answer by  catman529 (809)

If the blossom end of your squash are rotting, it could either be because A) the fruit was not pollinated, or B) the fruit is not being watered consistently.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

Well, make sure you water it daily. The common problem is that many people forget to water it. If you want to prevent it from rotting, then make sure you cut it out once it has bloomed. If you leave it for too long it is certainly going to rot.


Answer by  BrendaG (6111)

This is the result of not enough calcium in the soil for the plant's demand. A good drainage system and a soil PH level of 6.5 is recommended. You can add bone meal, compost manure, and a little lime beforehand to provide extra calcium. Adding egg shells, powdered milk, and tea is recommended as a soil addition as plants grow.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

Make sure that your runners are good and healthy. Then make sure that your squash blossoms are not laying in water or the dew isn't getting the chance to be on the blossoms once the sun has hit it because it would be like taking a hot bath and that will cause the blossom to turn brown and fall off.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

Well to prevent the squash from rotting you need to water it daily. Then you need to cut off the roots every once in a while. You also need to take the squash out once when it is bloomed. If you leave it sitting there it is going to rot.


Answer by  cwalker0 (190)

The most common cause of blossom rot is poor drainage and lack of calcium in the soil. Apply calcium when planting.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

It sounds like they are in a really wet spot in my experiance the thing that will cause that is water either to much on the flower itself or to much on the roots it won't hurt the growth of the plant but the blossoms will be small and rot and turn slimy.


Answer by  ruffy (1117)

the old timer say if you put news paper around the plant an straw around them to and give less water and dont put water on the flower,will work good

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