

Question by  yurika (137)

What can I do to help with slimming down my hips when I'm walking?


Answer by  diane23 (1167)

There really isn't a way to specifically target weight loss in one area of your body. However, walking regularly, like any other exercise, will help you lose weight and if you are diligent about a nutritious diet and getting exercise at least 3-4 times a week, you will most likely see the results you want.


Answer by  benstac (1928)

If you have been doing the walking for exercise for awhile, it might be good to increase your speed or the length of time you do it for as your body has gotten used to it. Also, you can add light weights to carry to increase the benefits.


Answer by  cece46 (222)

Try to burn as many calories as possible while walking in order to slim down your hips. Tighten your butt cheeks while you walk for added effects.

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