

Question by  Bsjinx (97)

What can I do for my chihuahua who is giving birth?


Answer by  Marsha (2337)

Have the vets phone number handy just in case. Make sure the dog has a nice bed, something familiar to the dog. Stay close by but do not hover. be ready with clean towels and warm , not hot, wet rags to clean the puppies if need be. Have water available for the mother.


Answer by  katharine (3981)

Make sure you have a vet on call. Chihuahuas often run into problems giving birth because of their small size so a vet might be needed.


Answer by  Vash (26)

Best thing to do is prepare an area where the dog feels comfortable and is secluded. Prepare it before it is due to give birth so it can get used to the area. When it goes into labor, its best to leave it alone to prevent stress.


Answer by  traumatised (3285)

Chihuahuas often have serious problems when giving birth, especially if bred with a larger dog. Keep a close eye on her and have a vet on standby in case of any complications or if an emergency c-section is required. In any case, a vet consultation is warranted.


Answer by  sophie65 (69)

Do not interfer. Make sure she is in a quiet area with very little human traffic. After birth, make sure she has plenty of food and water.


Answer by  vto (226)

You can sit next to the dog and comfort her. When the puppies come out if they mom doesn't care for them right away you can step in and run the puppies until they start to cry. While mom dog is in labor you can rub the top of her head.


Answer by  TwoToneDodge (2204)

Make sure she is comfortable and happy. Create a nice warm secluded bed for her and make sure to keep an eye on her and keep her hydrated.

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