

Question by  Michelle54 (13)

What can I do for a wheezing dog?


Answer by  N (28)

I always take my dog to the bathroom and run a hot shower, the steam helps to moisturize my dogs lungs, and calms him down. I have also used a humidifier with some vapor steam rub. Sometimes I rub my dogs throat, and that helps to relax his trachea and open his airway.


Answer by  mpartin (1600)

First you can try benadryl for the wheezing dog. Benadryl will help the dog breath better if the wheezing is due to an allergy or something that he ate. If the Benadryl does not help then it is not allergy related and you will need to see your vet.


Answer by  kiradeleria (465)

The first step I would take would probably to take your dog to the vet because it may have heart worms, allergies, or a respiratory infect. If its not as severe, use a humidifier.


Answer by  herzog (555)

If your dog has just ingested a new food he may be showing signs of an allergic reaction. Call your local vet asap as the wheezing can get worse.


Answer by  dinomarino (268)

Place a few drops of essential oils on the bathroom floor, get the bathroom very steamy, put dog in bathroom, leave the dog inside until airways and congestion are eased.


Answer by  snappies (579)

Allergies is a common reason that would make a dog wheeze. It could be pollen or other allergens in the air. If it is allergies it should go away. If there are other symptoms and if it doesn't go away it could be something more serious.


Answer by  traumatised (3285)

Take your dog to a vet for a checkup to rule out dangerous causes. You can always call your vet, give all the symptoms and follow his or her advice.

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