pet health


Question by  Gracelette (25)

What can I do about my dog who has runny eyes?


Answer by  karenb (51)

One thing that I would look at is if there are any allergies that your dog might have. Food allergies and environmental allergies can contibute to runny eyes. To clean your dogs eyes, first desensitize your dog to you touching it's eyes, then use a clean warm cloth.


Answer by  TwoToneDodge (2204)

Check for an irritant in her eye. A hair or piece of grass can irritate and cause tears. If you see something use a warm washcloth to wipe the eye. Next step is the vet.


Answer by  sandyriley (109)

Most dogs have runny eyes. It is just a normal process and nothing that you should be concerned about. If it appears that it is not just clear, then you should check with a vet to find out what it is.

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