

Question by  Convey (20)

What can I do about an ingrown hair that's become infected?


Answer by  krt (14)

You can take a cotton ball and use it to apply rubbing alcohol to the infection. This will kill some bacteria and prevent further infection. Use a sterilized needle or pin (wave it over flames) and use it to uproot the hair as if you were removing a splinter.


Answer by  Alayean (102)

You can open the infected area by using a sterile needle, squeeze the fluid out, clean it out with hydrogen peroxide, rub with neosporin, and cover with a bandage.


Answer by  margiep (422)

First, take a hot shower or keep a hot compress and gently exfoliate the area so that the hair becomes free. Never open the area with a sharp point because it can cause damage to your skin and infect it even worse. Then take an antiseptic and clean out the area and keep doing this until it heals.


Answer by  Kelly65 (51)

The best is to do nothing at all. Once the ingrown hair comes out the infection will disappear. If it really hurts a lot you could "soak" the infected spot for 10 minutes with a wet cotton bud.

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