Clean interior drum. Clean filter. Remove access plate, clean out all dust and debris. Replace vent tube and flap. Soak a towel in Nature's Miracle, dry it, repeat if necessary.
posted by Anonymous
I didn't dry my clothes all the way and the dryer started to smell. I tried the nature's miracle and it worked. Thanks for the suggestion. add a comment
Check drier vents for damp or moldy lint and clean them out. Check your drier outlet hose for anything that may have crawled into it from outside and died. Wash the drum with bleach and water mix. If all else fails, get a new dryer :-D
If your dryer is venting well, and you've cleaned out BELOW the lint catcher, sorry you may need to check if a small animal has gotten into the venting system.
Spray the inside of the dryer with a disinfectant spray such as Lysol. Make sure to due this only when the dryer is off. Leave the door open to allow the spray to dry completely and the vapor to dissipate before running the dryer.
I didn't dry my clothes all the way and the dryer started to smell. I tried the nature's miracle and it worked. Thanks for the suggestion. add a comment