health conditions


Question by  Latha (264)

What can cause burning when you urinate?


Answer by  marypeter (13)

burning sensation is related to infection if there is buurnig after urinate thaen its mean it is the start of infection its better to treat it as soon as possible and one more thing is when there is varition in alkali and acid sometimes fluid defficency also leads to burning.


Answer by  DrMom (854)

Burning urination is frequently caused by a urinary tract infection. If it persists you should have a urinalysis to confirm that diagnosis. However, it can also be caused by irritation in the area of the vagina and urethra. Tight jeans, bubble bath, or an untreated yeast infection can irritate skin in and around the urethra and cause burning urination.


Answer by  gregoli (106)

A urinary tract infection is the most likely culprit. However, passing a kidney stone can also cause pain, as can an infection in the urethra.


Answer by  writermomof4 (30)

Burning during urination may be caused by an infection inside the urethra or bladder. It may also happen if the tissue around the urethra is irritated or torn.

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