A mild viral eye infection that causes a little eye redness and watering will go off in a few days even when not treated. A bacterial infection can be worse and needs antibiotics. I find it difficult to differentiate so I give the lizards an antibiotic eye drop always.
Eye infections can spread rapidly if they are deep - so be very careful. If it spreads your monitor lizard can become permanently blind. Get a vet to see the lizard and get the right eye drops or meds! If you treat it early the effects are better.
If it's a superficial infection it's so much easier to treat and much less threatening. Sometimes a light injury causes a superficial infection. Usually just carefully washing the eye and an antibiotic eye solution or cream will get your monitor lizard back on track.
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It's so difficult to put those drops in the eyes! I prefer meds that can be given by mouth - less hassles for me! add a comment