what is


Question by  Dianamite (109)

What are the uses of goldenseal?


Answer by  anniekiefera (359)

Goldenseal can be used as a laxative, anti-inflammatory, astringent, oxytocic, and many more medical uses. Goldenseal is used for an appetite stimulant in most cases. This plant can be used externally in a cream or oil, it can also be used for internal use. Goldenseal is also very common to treat colon problems


Answer by  Shoshanah (232)

The plant goldenseal has many uses. Before ink it was used by Native Americans for writing. It can also be used for medicinal purposes. It is known to help with internal issues such as cirrhosis and stomach pains. Some external uses is to reduce swelling. In combination with medicine, it can also help with certain cancer.

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