

Question by  marcusstriderhiryu (9)

What are the symptoms of strep throat?

How is it different from tonsillitis?


Answer by  sarah1967 (626)

Strep thought causes a sore throat with a white covering on throat and possibly tongue.You may also get a fever and just an overall feeling of weakness.


Answer by  A36 (629)

Symptoms include a suddenly severe sore throat, pain during swallowing, high fever, white and yellow spots on a bright red throat, and inflamed tonsils and lymph nodes. Tonsillitis has similar symptoms, and can be caused by the same bacteria as strep, but more often will be caused by a virus.


Answer by  dedre (998)

The symptoms of strep throat are fevers, minor to severe sore throat, a coating of mucus in the back of the throat, weakness and fatigue. Tonsillitis is similar with the strep throat symptoms, however this illness is mainly focused on the tonsils itself.

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