health conditions


Question by  rakastan (37)

What are the symptoms of athlete's foot?

I think my son has it.


Answer by  motliec (183)

Athlete's foot can vary with symptoms. Some of the common symptoms include itching on the bottom of the foot and in between the toes and dryness. Also the skin can be cracked and red.


Answer by  girlgirl20105 (21)

Symptoms include itching, stinging, peeling and scaling of skin between the toes. Thick and discolored toenails are also a sign of athlete's foot. Burning sensations is also another dead giveaway. It occurs often in the skin between the toes. This is often a moist place and the fungus causing althetes foot thrives here. Treatment can include antifungal cream or pills.


Answer by  playmynrd (225)

Some of the symptoms of athlete's foot are dry patches on the heel, itching or burning, peeling skin, or more severely, cracking skin, or bleeding.


Answer by  bubbyboy (9929)

Athlete's foot is usually very itchy. Between the toes may be red and somewhat sore. The feet may smell pretty bad.

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