dental care


Question by  izzabizzal (58)

What are the symptoms of a tooth cavity?

Will you always have symptoms?


Answer by  mm143 (88)

It is possible to have cavities that do not cause symptoms-yet. The symptoms of cavities are varied, but include sensitivity to touch, heat/cold, pain- constant or off and on. Not all cavities are visible, but the ones that are larger, or on the surface may show as a discoloration. Seeing a dentist regularly can prevent cavities from getting worse.


Answer by  quisqualis (1756)

When tooth decay starts, there are no symptoms, other than a spot of decay which may not be visible except on xray. When the decay is more advanced, the tooth will show sensitivity to temperature changes and different food substances, or even to pressure, as the root becomes more involved.


Answer by  HawaiianGirl (6906)

If you have a cavity on your tooth, it is very likely that you will experience some kind of pain or sensitivity in the area. You may feel this pain when you eat or drink certain things. When the decayed area comes into contact with a foreign object is when you may feel the uncomfortable pain.

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