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real estate


Question by  bert (16)

What are the steps to buying a house without a realtor?

We do not want to involve a realtor.


Answer by  worker8816 (29)

The steps are fairly easy, get approved for a mortgage loan, then find properties in the price range you are approved for, contact whom is selling the home you like.


Answer by  patti (29325)

There is a lot to consider when buying a house. Unless you have vast experience in buying and selling real estate, you need a real estate pro or an attorney.


Answer by  noey1958 (1405)

If you do not want to involve a realtor than look for houses that are for sale by owner. You can find the house that you want to buy and make an agreement with the homeowner to have an attorney write an initial agreement to protect your down payment or earnest money.


Answer by  noosh (673)

Know the area you're interested in and prices. Once you find something there will be lots of paperwork, you may want an attorney to help you review the paperwork.


Answer by  worker8654 (33)

Step One is the Purchase and Sale Contract including the sale terms and conditions. Next, have an inspection by a licensed contractor. Third, choose a closing agent.


Answer by  Jodie (551)

You will need to make sure you find out the true value of your home. Then you can take pictures and make flyers to put in an Infotube.


Answer by  kayjsharp (15)

Well,you can buy your home without getting help of any Realtor by just preparing the list of home that you are actually looking for.

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