

Question by  fruitfly (126)

What are the stages of a dog's pregnancy?


Answer by  Lottadogs (1258)

Dogs are pregnant for about 9 weeks. After mating some changes take place such as the vulva staying enlarged and the nipples becoming obvious. Some dogs show signs of morning sickness around weeks three to four. Startind around week 6 the abdomen enlarges meaning the last three weeks are when the pregnancy is most obvious.


Answer by  dcrusher59 (590)

There are three tri-mester's which last a total of eight weeks. The first stage is weeks 1-4, the second stage is weeks 4-6 and the third stage is weeks 6-8.


Answer by  AndreaBenissimo (10)

For canines,the usual pregnancy period is about 2months;typically 60 to 64days. 48 to 72h fertilization takes place in the oviducts! After 10 to 11 days,the fertilized eggs will then become blastocytes&implant in the wall of the dog's uterus. The blastocytes will grow into embryos. From the 21st to the28th day,the dam,may experience morning sickness.


Answer by  Kelmaz (339)

Pregnancy may be detected 26-45 days by a vet. Weight gain may be noticed after the 5th week as will swelling of the teats.

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