

Question by  kasen (46)

What are the safest, most effective pain killers?


Answer by  floyd81 (18)

Acetaminophen has excellent pain and fever control properties with little to no adverse effects at the recommended dosage, although interactions with some medications and alcohol can occur. NSAID medications such as ibuprofen can cause stomach irritation and bleeding, as well as exacerbating the tendancy to bleed (especially aspirin). Narcotics such as oxycodone have risks of dependency and overdose.


Answer by  taedark (42)

Advil and other over the counter pain killers are probably your best bet. These are generally safer than prescription medications such as prescription strength ibuprophen or valium. These are high dosages and you are far more likely to overdose on these than on advil or tylenol. Plus, Advil is fairly effective, depending on what you are using it for.


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

By far the safest pain killer is Tylenol. Tylenol is the only drug that doctors say you can take during pregnancy, so it's very safe.


Answer by  cindy (1484)

The safest pain killers are not the most effective. NSAIDs are helpful for inflammatory pain of mild to low moderate severity. However, their safety is limited by causing ulcers. The most effective pain killers are narcotics which are limited by their high addictiveness.


Answer by  primatefreak (1616)

Answer depends on why you need a pain reliever. Most OTC pain medication is safe and effective if taken properly. Prescribed medication depends on illness/surgey, age, history, allergies and dosage.


Answer by  whoareyou (3483)

The most effective prescription pain killer, without being a hardcore drug, is Hydrocodone, also known as Norco. It is a highly concentrated form of Vikoden. Pain killers usually work best when paired with a muscle relaxer, as this allows the body to relax and the pain killer to take full affect. Common muscle relaxers are Baclofen, Flexaril, and Soma.


Answer by  ToralDwivedi (606)

Safest pain killer is Aspirin but good for persons without hyperacidity or peptic ulcer. Another safest pain killer is Acetaminophen - dose 500 to 650 mg per dose in adults.

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