real estate


Question by  Smith123 (14)

What are the rules in a home association?


Answer by  mammakat (11147)

That would depend on your home association. How the rules are written can vary depending on town, county, or state. This is also regulated by the IRS if the association has filed with them. This can also be an informal AD Hoc agreement. You need to know up front.


Answer by  StarOne (941)

There are no specific rules for a home association. The rules are determined by the association themselves. You will have to read your specific associations rules to know what they are. Each association should have a board that can answer your questions. If they fail to answer your request you can petition them through a letter.


Answer by  bajestar (605)

Home owner associations rules will vary from community. The major rules are you can't make any construction changes to property without permission, cant have gets unsupervised on estate property ie: pools. gyms. in addition you must upkeep your property. Lawns must be mowed drive ways cleaned etc.

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