This isce cream was originally thought up because of the banana split they figured that would sav the solid flavors for other things you can do a net search on this and it will pull tons of intformation for you.
Neapolitan ice cream became popular in the late 19th century. It came over seas from the immigrants from the Italian City of Naples, hence where it got its name.
Neopolitan ice cream was so named because of the Italians immigrating from Napels to the USA. The Italians had a knowledge of frozen desserts which they introduced as they immigrated and the most popular flavours of ice cream was strawberry, chocolate and vanilla. They concocted the three flavours into one block of ice cream and hence the name Neopolitan.
The name 'Neapolitan' comes from the Italian city of Naples, where this type of ice cream, with strawberry, vanilla, and chocolate layered together, supposedly comes from.
Spumoni, a kind of ice cream, was brought over by Italians from Naples. Spumoni is pistashio, cherry and vanilla. Modifying for American ingredients gave the modern form.