home decorating


Question by  baronson (13)

What are the new trends in house decorating?

I am going to redecorate my house soon and want to know what the latest trends are.


Answer by  Djbruton (583)

Tuscan style. Very much like creating a winery atmosphere within your home. Lots of colors from nature and lots of positive energy. The entire basic for the Tuscany style is to fell welcomed. So,if you entertain a lot, there is an even better reason to go with this unique style.


Answer by  Purple (948)

Paint the ceilings the same color as the wall. Paint the walls 2 colors in a room using the ligher color on the ceiling too. Use several shades of woods.


Answer by  Kat123 (591)

Some of the new trends are to have bowl sinks in the bathroom, sectionals in the basement, bold colors in a small room.


Answer by  barkley (951)

Granite countertops in kitchens and bathrooms, hardwood flooring, different color walls with white trim and window sills, trex decking for outdoor, stainless steel appliances in kitchen, the look and feel of wide open spaces.

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