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Question by  shatteredcode (65)

What are the names of the Samsung slider phones?

They probably have some cutesy name.


Answer by  Zazu (195)

Samsung GT B3310, Samsung SGH T629, Samsung SGH A737,SAMSUNG PROPEL A766, Samsung U650 are some. The best bet is to go and check them in the stores.


Answer by  LisMaEra (14)

The Samsung slider phones do have some cute names. One is called the Cricket (SCH-r450), the Trance (SCH-u490), the Sway (SCH-u650), the Rant (SPH-m540), and the Highnote (SPH-m360). Those are only five of the eleven that they currently offer. I especially like the Highnote and the irony in that the phone has good music capacity.

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