mental health


Question by  Nikku (17)

What are the most relaxing scents?


Answer by  scotgal (20)

Apple and Vanilla, those scents remind me of home. Vanilla I believe is the most relaxing scent it works for any season or holiday,from spring to winter.


Answer by  CEEFORINA (784)

One of the most relaxing of scents is said to be lavender, so much so that to sleep on a pillow filled with the dried flowers of this herb is supposed to aid sleep. The smell of the jasmine may have anti-depressant qualities,and the perfume of the rose to have a calming effect, whilst bergamot is also good for tension.


Answer by  coly20032003 (78)

As far as I am concerned, the most relaxing scents are the scents of nature. When you come close to the nature, the smell of flowers, the smell of grasses will make you feel relaxed.


Answer by  eyeguy (3760)

lavender lemongrass and basil are the most relaxing sense for the human body. These scents once once heated can become nearly intoxicating in the right amounts. In the powder form the scents remain potent for hours.


Answer by  Anonymous


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