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Question by  AshleyS (25)

What is the best relaxing color for a bedroom?


Answer by  nanook (605)

It has been said that a light pastel yellow or for some a light pastel blue can be a very relaxing color.


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

Right now relaxing colors are in fashion right now. Blues, Greens, Browns and Neutrals are the hottest colors. They are soft and relaxing and found in nature. The outdoors and the colors tend to calm people down. They are simple colors that make the room feel larger and cause the room to seem less cluttered.


Answer by  diane23 (1167)

Warm or neutral shades are good for a bedroom. Browns, tans, peach, or pink are good choices. It also depends on the size of the room. Darker colors tend to make a room look smaller, so stick with pastels or use a darker shade as an accent wall if you are painting a small room.


Answer by  hecarlso (196)

Lighter colors are more relaxing and blues are suppose to be calming, but it should be a color that you like. If you don't like blue then it will not be very relaxing.


Answer by  Anonymous

red. because it produces sex if you are lucky

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