

Question by  BlackRabbit (10)

What are the effects of anabolic steroids?


Answer by  habhab (20)

Anabolic steroids are medically used for Treating delayed puberty but their abuse is not can cause psychosis, high blood pressure, Diabetes Melitus, Strain on your heart, Liver damage, Erectile dysfunction and impotency


Answer by  Mariana39 (440)

Anabolic steroids accelerate cell growth, increasing the production of red blood cells by stimulating the bone marrow. The most obvious effect is an increase of appetite. Another effect is the development of male characteristics, leading to accentuated growth of facial hair (beards, moustaches, etc.) and causing the voice to deepen, for example.


Answer by  cindy (1484)

Anabolic steroids increase your muscle mass. However, they also lead to changes in the balance of sex hormones which can cause feminizing symptoms in men such as testicular atrophy and decreasing libido. They can also alter mood causing outbursts of anger and aggressive behavior that are triggered very easily. Overall, they are negative in their effects.


Answer by  HelpChat (494)

Anabolic steroids enhance muscle growth by increasing the presence of muscle-forming hormones such as testosterone. The side-effects are very serious and can include rage, testicle shrinkage, and death.

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