health treatments


Question by  deb (50)

What are the different ways to freeze a wart?


Answer by  wiki (76)

You can freeze a wart with liquid nitrogen. Some commercial wart freezing systems are available such as CompoundW Freeze Off Wart Removal System and Dr. Scholl's Freeze Away Wart Remover.


Answer by  Helen (18)

The best way is to use liquid nitrogen, which will be applied by your doctor. You can also get an over-the-counter product called Duofilm which works in the same way, but isn't as strong and so will take more applications to work.


Answer by  Wendy47 (140)

Purchase a liquid nitroen product called Compound W Freeze Off at your local pharmacy. Follow the package instructions, but keep in mind that some warts may require the maximum dosage. Plan to repeat applications.


Answer by  worker12 (293)

About 40 years ago,I had this wart on the top of my hand. I would pick at it and it would always grow back. I saw this stuff called freeze away wart remover ,I used this and in about one week it was gone.


Answer by  Latin4 (11170)

The first thing to do is to check with your physician and see what kind of wart it is. He might suggest liquid nitrogen which would be done by him or someone he would refer you to. There are over the counter that work well.

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