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Question by  Raf (146)

What are the different types of artificial nails?


Answer by  lilypine3comcastnet (22)

The different types are: Sculptured nails, pink and white acrylics, natural acryclics, glue manicures, gel nails, wrapping nails with materials. You can also buy pre glued nails and past them on your self, however they don't usually stay on. Your mancurist can place nails on with a glue base and these nails are usually a plastic material.


Answer by  LaurenE (65)

A couple different types of artificial nails are acrylic and silk Acrylic nails are a mixture of a liquid and a powder. Silk nails, a done buy placing a peice of silk over the nail and then covering with another liquid that hardens


Answer by  marco (21)

There are acrylic nails and those ones they build up on your existing nails. There are ones with decals, and pinstripe designs. Then there are nails you build houses with.

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