

Question by  Rose (6804)

What are the different reactions that are caused by alkane?


Answer by  hartford (506)

Alkanes are hydrocarbons which react with combustively with oxygen and explosively with halogens. They are generally inert but they burst into flame in the presence of a spark. Once ignited they burn to form water and carbon dioxide. In the presence of light or high temperatures they can react with halogens to form alkyl hallides.


Answer by  yogaoksida (14)

Almost all alkanes are combustable, they are easily oxidized by oxygen (burning of alkanes) Oxidation inside a living creature by enzyme can produce alcohol and carboxylic acid Substitution reaction, both nucleophilic or electrophilic substitution by halide substances Ellimination reaction to form a nonsaturated hydrocarbones, alkanes and alkynes Cracking of long chain alkanes into few molecules of shorter alkanes


Answer by  fig40 (89)

Alkanes cause dozens of different reaction. The four main ones are: Nucleophilic Substitution One (SN1) Nucleophilic Substitution Two (SN2) Elimination One Reaction (E1) Elimination Two Reaction (E2)


Answer by  pmseff (70)

Alkanes are generally inert to chemical reactions. In the presence of a high-intensity light source or of high temperatures, alcanes can react with halogens.

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