

Question by  worker5526 (32)

What are the best dog drinks?


Answer by  my2cents (264)

Water is the best drink for dogs. If your dog is an extremely high performance dog that is working several hours per day or more in a hot environment then you might want to talk to your vet to see if a sports drink would be helpful for the dog. I have heard that a diluted gatorade might be good.


Answer by  mnielsen01 (360)

There are so many beverage choices for dogs now. They have flavored bottle water, puppy milk and health drinks if they should get sick. I would think water would be the best.


Answer by  Molae06 (1467)

Water is the only drink a dog should be given, anything else can dehydrate them and fake sugars are deadly for dogs.


Answer by  montree (354)

Water is the only thing you should give your dog. Anything else will dehydrate them terribly. Artificial sweetners, even in low doses, can be fatal very quickly.

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