

Question by  atushipatel (9)

What are the advantages of data warehousing?


Answer by  LeheckaG (1826)

Data warehousing allows you to access your business's or organization's historical computer records in one place, which gives you the ability to analyze past trends and statistics. Care must be taken to insure that records which are supposed to be private remain private, for instance your customers' financial/identifications information.


Answer by  noblequest (64)

Of the advantages, data warehousing provides a means of protecting data from external threats such as theft and espionage while providing the data with networking and better accessibility capabilities.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

They aid in the reporting and analysis of data. It is electronic so security and privacy as well as accessibility are key issues. However, since data is electronic, that means you are able to access it from any location compared to physical storage. Also, benefits include time, money and convenience.


Answer by  Zacholson (56)

It pools large amounts of data in one place allowing users to access large amounts of data easily. It also increases productivity in companies by keeping data in one place

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