

Question by  Acjoe (22)

What are symptoms of a brain tumor?


Answer by  MarieGBlaine (6)

Usually symptoms of brain tumors are not related to their istology but to the "mass effect": they causes the elevation of intracranial pressure with headaches, vomiting and faints.


Answer by  YellowCup (1650)

Symptoms of a brain tumor almost always includes headaches, especially migraines. Other symptoms may include: vision problems, nausea, numbness in body parts, and slurred speech.


Answer by  Aya (797)

There are a number of various symptoms, but the most common include headaches, fatigue, and strange nerve sensations. A person may also have memory problems or even lose some eyesight.


Answer by  rajanonline (30)

The headache will be come often The pain is come often.

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