what is


Question by  avantgardener (16)

What are sort codes?

Are they the same as routing codes?


Answer by  ShayanFCB (366)

Sort codes are the codes that are used by banks in the UK and Ireland to transfer money within those countries. Routing codes on the other hand, are used by American banks to transfer money


Answer by  LeheckaG (1826)

"Sort code" usually refers to a 6-digit (12-34-56) Bank & Branch number used to route funds within the United Kingdom & Ireland; and included in IBAN ISO 13616:1997/13616-1:2007 International_Bank_Acount_Number used by European_Union international transfers. Non-IBAN international transfers use BIC ISO 9362 Bank_Identifier_Code & BBAN Basic_Bank_Account_Number; sort-codes are not included in but translate into BICs. Equivalent of a U.S. routing/transit code.

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