

Question by  kalyan (1)

Can you please send code for forgot password. I have created 3 fields for emp code, password and conf password and submit button?

And submit button. When you submit the form it needs to be update in data base and i have to display success message. ussing asp. net and sql server. It is greatful if you provide the code.


Answer by  busyfingers (239)

I assume you're using HTML to create the form. I also assume that you have the code to add it to a database and all you need is the link to a forgot password section. You needn't integrate this into your present form - use a separate hyperlink.

Reply by wonderman (201):
Yup - simply create another page for the forgot password. In this page let user input his employment number or email, click submit and from the data base the necessary info to the email. You will need to use the right sendmail paths. What script are you using?  add a comment

Answer by  ferfer72 (2623)

You need to ask this question with more information. First off, we the readers don't know what software you're talking about. Next, there are a lot of abbreviations that are ambiguous in your question. Finally, your grammar skills have made your question difficult to understand. Fix these and ask your question again.


Answer by  sleepyjey (248)

Submit button code is easy. Hope this site displays the code properly - here it is. < input type="submit" value="submit form" > Change 'submit form' to whatever you want displayed. Place it before the < /form > tag at the right place. Hope that helps.

Reply by digmyspace (249):
Please ignore the extra space after the < and before the >  add a comment
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