

Question by  Darla67 (68)

What are some typical awards given after an injury in a law suit?


Answer by  user21 (361)

Most of these suits award money. This money can come in the form of a settlement, compensation for pain, suffering, or medical bills, or reimbursement for lost wages and/or property.


Answer by  Jackson78 (145)

It will vary widely, depending on the area, the make-up of the jury and the types of damages asserted. Most attorneys rely heavily upon services where local verdicts are reported and compiled. They are available by subscription or usually the local law library.


Answer by  Ron27 (465)

Lawsuit settlements are supposed to reimburse for damages. A monetary value is placed on pain and suffering, loss of use, etc., which is added to actual costs (bills, lost wages,...)


Answer by  knowitall39 (475)

That depends on the extent of the injuries. Awards could be enough money to cover medical costs or they could be much more. Large sums can be awarded for "pain and suffering". Some people only get a thousand dollars or so. Others are awarded millions of dollars. It really depends.


Answer by  palaeologus (564)

Usually, a successful plaintiff will receive general damages for pain and suffering, special damages for things like medical bills and lost wages, and punitive damages in cases of egregious conduct.


Answer by  patti (29325)

It depends very much on the injury and the nature of the defendant. Awards can very from $1000 to millions. Larger awards are generally appealed.


Answer by  cody (1331)

some typical awards a person might get are money or everything the male or female owns. you can also get there pay check if you really need it to live off of

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