

Question by  nan818 (60)

What are some tips on writing an autobiography?


Answer by  Mable (3008)

First consider the autobiographies you have read and ask yourself what made them worth reading. then make lists of the qualities and incidents that will make your own story interesting. Then you need an attention-getting beginning, right from the first sentence. Next try writing the last page: that will give you a really clear idea what your aim is.


Answer by  annie30 (105)

If you are writing an autobiography, make sure you have some kind of overall point that you want to make. Even if your life has not followed a story arc, you have to create one to make your life story seem interesting, even meaningful, to your audience. Also, don't be afraid to make it funny.


Answer by  tamarawilhite (17883)

1. Focus on moments in your life that are of interest to other people, not always that which you choose to dwell upon. 2. Determine the image you want to present, then write to that style. 3. Know your audience, and focus on those areas that are more of interest to them.


Answer by  John (9008)

Writing an autobiography is harder than it looks. You have to try to distance yourself from your own life, and focus on what will interest other people, which may not be the same things that stand out most in your mind. Having someone else reviewing chapters as you write is vital, as well.

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